Entspannung - Intuition - Erfolg Besser und besser!

Ich kann nicht hexen, aber ich kann Dir helfen Dein Ziel mit mentaler Kraft zu erreichen!


Entspannung - Intuition - Erfolg!
Besser und besser!

Probleme lösen? Ziele erreichen?
Individuell + effektiv!

Retreat in Italien am Meer
Alpha Entspannung +
Tipps - Tricks - Spaß - Spiel!

Coaching Angebote
Alpha Entspannung

Gabriela Bauer Entspannungstherapeutin
Alpha Brainwaves

Training und Coaching

Erleben Sie transformative Kurse und Retreats, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen und innere Ruhe zu finden.

Retreat in Italien, Abruzzen
25.05. bis 01.06.2025
Mehr erfahren!

Teilnehmen an Live- und Online-Kursen sowie Retreats in Italien für tiefere Entspannung und Selbstfindung.

Large letters spelling out 'RELAX' are positioned on a sandy beach with waves in the background. The sky is partly cloudy, and there is lush greenery on the left side.
Large letters spelling out 'RELAX' are positioned on a sandy beach with waves in the background. The sky is partly cloudy, and there is lush greenery on the left side.
Individuelles Coaching

Erhalten Sie maßgeschneiderte Coaching-Angebote, um persönliche Herausforderungen zu meistern und Ihre Ziele zu verwirklichen.

Erleben Sie Alpha-Wellen

Nutzen Sie die Kraft der Alpha-Gehirnwellen für tiefere Entspannung und geistige Klarheit.
A person is sitting in a massage chair, appearing relaxed and focused. The background features a geometric textured wall and a blurred television or monitor.
A person is sitting in a massage chair, appearing relaxed and focused. The background features a geometric textured wall and a blurred television or monitor.
A person lies down with eyes closed, while another person places hands gently on their forehead. The background is softly lit with a warm, orange glow, creating a calming atmosphere.
A person lies down with eyes closed, while another person places hands gently on their forehead. The background is softly lit with a warm, orange glow, creating a calming atmosphere.

Neu und wirkungsvoll: Mental Massage!

Ich bin Gabaretha, Entspannungstherapeutin, die mit Alpha-Gehirnwellen arbeitet. Meine Kurse, Retreats in Italien und Coaching-Angebote helfen dir, Probleme zu lösen und deine Ziele zu erreichen.

Entspannung hilft immer!
...und jeden Tag geht es Dir besser und besser...

Gemeinsam entdecken wir Wege, um Stress abzubauen und innere Ruhe zu finden. Lass uns zusammen an deinen Zielen arbeiten und deine Lebensqualität verbessern.


A person holds a smartphone displaying a relaxation application while standing near a body of water with buildings in the background. The scene is lit by natural daylight.
A person holds a smartphone displaying a relaxation application while standing near a body of water with buildings in the background. The scene is lit by natural daylight.

Gabaretha hat mir geholfen, meine inneren Blockaden zu lösen. Die Kurse und Retreats sind einfach unglaublich wertvoll für meine persönliche Entwicklung.

Anna Müller

A group of people is gathered in an indoor space, sitting on yoga mats in what appears to be a guided meditation or yoga session. The room is spacious with industrial design elements such as exposed beams and large windows. There is a person seated on a stage facing the group, likely leading the session. Potted plants and sound equipment are present on the stage, creating a serene yet focused atmosphere.
A group of people is gathered in an indoor space, sitting on yoga mats in what appears to be a guided meditation or yoga session. The room is spacious with industrial design elements such as exposed beams and large windows. There is a person seated on a stage facing the group, likely leading the session. Potted plants and sound equipment are present on the stage, creating a serene yet focused atmosphere.
